All New “Hold That Thought” Program Launches at St. James Seton School

Over the past two months, RESPECT has partnered with Saint James Seton school and their school counselor, Marlena Laney, to offer a brand new program called Hold That Thought.  This multi-session series is designed to incorporate the cognitive behavioral principles of learning with teaching methods derived from theatre to help children learn about, experience, practice and apply behaviors that help them to “Stop & Think” before they say or do something that can result in harm or unhappy consequences to themselves or their peers.  Each session includes theatre-based lessons led by two of RESPECT’s actor-educators, Aaron and Emma, to facilitate lessons about feelings, body awareness, communication skills, and other topics that lead to more successful social interactions.
Hold That Thought is appropriate for intermediate and middle-school aged students.  If you would like to bring this new and innovative offering into your school reach out to RESPECT’s Executive Director, Dr. Patricia Newman at