Customized Workshops Stage Conversations About Healthy Relationships

RESPECT has been proud to partner with Inclusive Communities at their IncluCity leadership programs for high school students during the 2018-2019 year.  RESPECT has been brought in to these workshops to facilitate conversations about healthy relationships as it pertains to issues of gender, sexism, and dating violence.  Using role-play and theatre techniques, we help participants think about how they can handle challenging situations that come up among themselves and their peers.  We are pleased with the feedback that we have received from participants.  Below is just some of the comments we received from students about what they learned and experienced:
  • I learned different ways to communicate in situations that could be uncomfortable.
  • I learned to not debate but rather talk it out and explain how you feel.
  • I liked that students could get up and express opinions.
  • I thought it was really helpful to be able to not only talk about what we would say but to also see it in action.
  • I loved being a part of the skit and this was informative.