Being Committed to RESPECT: A message from RESPECT’s board and staff

RESPECT believes that every human being is a uniquely valuable member of our community and should be included, thought of, and treated in a manner that reflects and demonstrates dignity and self-respect. We believe that this is a continuing process of human interaction and learning, of working together, trying new things, and not being afraid to fail or ask for help. We believe the process starts early in childhood but is ongoing throughout life and that there is always hope for positive change.

We feel the pain in our community of so many who are suffering so much . The pandemic demonstrated what we already knew about racial disparity in our world. At RESPECT, we have long addressed identity-based bullying and the striking hurt and long-term impact it can have. Students share experiences of racism. This injustice makes the load of pain and hurt that much heavier. At this moment there is much in the media about this hurt and pain – but it has been around for an unbearably long period of time.

RESPECT is committed to learning and to doing more and better.

RESPECT is committed to thinking about and treating ourselves and all people with value and dignity.

RESPECT will stay focused on its mission to work collaboratively with others, to reach as many as possible through the conversation building modality of theatre, to provide people of all ages – but particularly our young people – with the information, skills, experiences and resources they need to support their own mental health and healthy relationships and conversations in their – our – community.

The Board and Staff